Alexx Momcat
Book Blogger/Reviewer
Alexx Momcat is a confirmed, unabashed book lover. Living muse for her hubby author who has multiple personalities, she appreciates that variety is the spice of life. An aspiring writer herself, she respects and admires the work and effort that goes into the books that she loves. Between her day job, and taking care of two cats and the rest of the household as far as they will permit, she maintains her blog as a beacon of sanity and creativity, an outlet for a societally repressed creative streak that her creditors just don’t appreciate. She loves interviewing and chatting with authors and other bibliophiles. Strongly opinionated, she believes that reviews should be honest and forthright, and that ad hominem attacks on authors or reviewers are never justified.

Alexx can be found at Facebook as D. Alexx Miller, on Twitter at @MomCat_Reviews, and, of course, at Alexx Momcat’s Gateway Book Blog,

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