Devin Hylton
Devin Hylton is a creator/writer of several Graphic Novel/Comic Book properties, including Red Light, Dive, Spirit Window, and Garbage Day all from Arcana Studios. Spirit Window had its world premiere at Comic Con International in San Diego, his other credits include Switched, from Markoisa’s Enterprises. Several of his stories have been optioned by several film producers which includes his title, “Undercover Clown”, which was optioned by Platinum Studios (Men In Black, Jeremiah, Cowboys & Aliens), to be adapted for feature film or TV Series development. Devin is also a filmmaker and is gearing up for his first feature, “The Freeze”, a Futuristic Film Noir Mystery, which he will also direct. You can find out more information about his project(s) at https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Freeze/466398950143246
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