Imaginarium 2019 is proud to welcome New York Times and USA Today best-selling romance author J.M. Madden as a spotlighted guest! From writing to the business of the book world, J.M. brings great expertise and advice to panels and workshops! J.M is an Imaginarium Convention favorite and we are very excited to have her returning for our 6th year!

About J.M. Madden:
NY Times and USA Today Bestselling author J.M. Madden writes compelling romances between ‘combat modified’ military men and the women who love them. J.M. (the J stands for Jennifer, not Jim as she’s been asked MANY times!) loves any and all good love stories, most particularly her own. She has two beautiful children and a husband who always keeps her on her toes.
J.M. was a Deputy Sheriff in Ohio for nine years, until hubby moved the clan to Kentucky. When not chasing the family around, she’s at the computer, reading and writing, perfecting her craft. She occasionally takes breaks to feed her animal horde and is trying to control her office-supply addiction, but both tasks are uphill battles. Happily, she is writing full-time and always has several projects in the works. She also dearly loves to hear from readers! So, drop her a line.