The Imaginarium 2020 Virtual Conference and Convention is proud to welcome Kriti Khare, the founder of the incredible Armed With a Book blog! A fantastic book blogger and reviewer, Kriti is a tremendous addition to Imaginarium 2020 and attendees will definitely benefit from her insights, advice, and knowledge on a variety of book-related topics! We are thrilled to have Kriti joining us this September 21-27 in our 7th year of the Imaginarium Convention and first virtual edition!

About Kriti Khare: Kriti is an avid reader and learner. She expresses her love for lifelong learning by writing regularly on Armed with A Book about a variety of topics from how-to articles on bullet journaling, teaching, to learning better, though currently she is focused on posting book reviews/thoughts, author interviews. During the work week, she wears the Data Analyst hat and once home, she applies many of the skills she learns in her day job to blogging and life.