Imaginarium 2024 is proud to announce the addition of eleven new panels and one new workshop to our growing list of 2024 Panel and Workshop Programming! There will be over 130 panels and workshops hosted in our 11th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions!

The titles, moderators, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows:

New Panel Additions:

Creating Historical Fiction: Moderator TBA. We will explore what ground rules you should follow in creating historical fiction, what personality characteristics to follow depending on the period you are writing in, and creative ways to use actual characters from history. (60 min)

Dramatic Technique: Moderator TBA. Filmmakers and screenwriters will discuss dramatic technique and how to captivate your audience by emphasizing a particular moment in your narrative. (60 min)

Let’s Talk Film: Moderator TBA. Have you written a screenplay and need help figuring out where to go from here? Curious about a film career? Do you want to be an actor but need help figuring out where to start? Here is your chance to question film industry professionals. (60 min)

Merging Fantasy with Reality: Moderator TBA. Let’s discuss blending reality with fantasy to create the ultimate urban fantasy novel. (60 min)

Pitch to Publishers Session I: Moderator TBA. Present your ready-to-go pitches to publishers who are open for submissions. All manuscripts being pitched in this session must be previously unpublished. (Saturday, 60 min)

Pitch to Publishers Session II: Moderator TBA. Present your ready-to-go pitches to publishers who are open for submissions. All manuscripts being pitched in this session must be previously unpublished. (Sunday, 60 min)

Terrifying Thrillers: We will examine how to create a heart-stopping thriller; mixing the horrific with the thrilling. (60 min)

Tips on How to Pitch Your Film Successfully: Moderator TBA. Learn tips from industry professionals on how to pitch your project, and advice on where to find the right investors for your film. (60 min)

Tips to Writing a Paranormal Romance. Moderator TBA. A discussion on the 3 key elements to weave the perfect paranormal romance narrative; Romance, Paranormal, and Paranormal Romance. (60 min)

Victorian Visions: Moderator TBA. Tips to writing your perfect steampunk story. (60 min)

Writing Stellar Science Fiction: Moderator TBA. In this panel, we will be discussing the key elements that must be included to write a stellar science fiction story. Learn how to weave your scientific passion into a captivating story. (60 min)

New Workshop:

Live Performance: Adversary & Mini-Workshop: New Life 4 Old Lit: Presenter Bill Oberst, Jr. Emmy Award winner and Imaginarium 2024 guest Bill Oberst Jr. presents a live performance of his new solo show about Satan ( followed immediately by a mini-workshop on the vast world of public domain classic literature available to creators. It’s not required, but Bill suggests those planning to attend the performance and workshop sample his short gothic fiction podcast, Gothic Goodnight, especially Ep. 11, “All The Wounded Monsters,” beforehand, as an example of using old lit in fresh ways. The performance will include many examples, too; the script for Adversary is drawn almost entirely from ancient and classic literary sources. (90 min)

To see all currently confirmed Panels and Workshops for 2024, please visit: