Imaginarium 2024 is proud to announce the addition of five new workshops and one new panel to our growing list of 2024 Panel and Workshop Programming! There will be over 130 panels and workshops hosted in our 11th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions!

The titles, moderators, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows:

New Workshops:

Creating the Antagonistic Setting: Presenter – DiAnn Mills. Setting is the physical environment where a story takes place. A strong setting challenges character, plot, dialogue, and narrative by adding a twist in the protagonist’s journey. The literary technique makes the goal harder to obtain, an unforeseen means of driving plot and raising the stakes. Setting is vital and full of spirit, but an antagonistic setting means shaky ground for the protagonist. Survival extends beyond defeating a villain, either physical, mental, or spiritual. This hands-on dive into an antagonistic setting shows the writer how to use fears, challenges, and weaknesses to add impact to story. Handouts provided. (60 min)

Expedited Video Editing: Using Adobe Premiere Pro. Presenter – Banning K. Lary. The session will show how to open a file, import visual and audio elements, arrange timelines and transitions, adjust speed, use character generation, music, pacing, aesthetics, and export and transcode for various delivery platforms, best ways to find stock footage, easy talent releases, and distribution. Q&A immediately following. (90 min)

Exploring the Art of Character I (A two-part workshop): Presenter – DiAnn Mills. The purpose of a story is for the reader to hook arms with a character and walk together into an adventure—to imagine, envision, care, and feel. The writer journeys a character from an ordinary world into an extraordinary tale, one in which a challenge is accepted, paving the road for potential growth in one scene after another. The problems encountered along the way initiate a desire for the character to rectify a situation. These two workshops show the writer how to develop a well-rounded character, the power of backstory, relationships, self-preservation, betrayal, love languages, lies, sacrifice, and more. This hands-on exploration of character shows the writer how to create unique and memorable characters no matter the genre. Handouts provided. (90 min)

Exploring the Art of Character II: Presenter – DiAnn Mills. This is a continuation of Exploring the Art of Character I, description above. (90 min)

Exploring the Art of Emotion and Symbolism. Presenter – DiAnn Mills. Emotion, one of the building blocks of story construction, ushers in sensory perception and gathers word choices, symbols, body language, and various literary devices to show a distinct character embracing a story world. The core of our story is the intimacy of a character internalizing and processing the world around them. The various changes in a character’s life produces psychological reactions and responses connected to feelings, memories, and behavior. This hands-on exploration of emotion and symbolism shows the writer how to incorporate emotion in every line by using psychology and various literary techniques. Handouts provided. (60 min)

New Panel:

RPG Design & Storytelling: Moderator – Joe Isenberg. The narration and world-building are the foundation of any compelling RPG. We will cover the design, history, and storytelling aspects of the creation of RPGs. (60 min)

To see all currently confirmed Panels and Workshops for 2024, please visit: