Imaginarium 2024 is proud to announce the addition of two new workshops and one new panel to our growing list of 2024 Panel and Workshop Programming! There will be over 130 panels and workshops hosted in our 11th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions!

The titles, moderators, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows:

New Workshop Additions

So You Want to Get Published?: Presenter – Tony Acree. Hydra Publications publisher, Tony Acree, will guide you how to prepare your novel, submit it to a publisher and negotiate a contract when your offer arrives. (60 min).

The Care and Feeding of an Author/Editor Relationship: Presenter – Wendee Mullikin. Are you an author secretly terrified of finding a tyrannical editor who makes you break out in a cold sweat an hour before a virtual meeting starts? Or an editor striving to forge stronger connections with your clients and make your work together smooth as silk? You’re in luck. This one-hour session, “The Care and Feeding of an Author–Editor Relationship,” is designed to equip you with the tools and insights to cultivate a collaborative and rewarding partnership.

Afraid to reveal you’re neurospicy* but know things will be SO MUCH BETTER if everyone’s on the same page? You’ll want to join us for supportive language to talk about your needs during the editing process.

Join us for an interactive session where you’ll uncover the secrets to a strong author/editor partnership based on trust, communication, and respect. Wendee Mullikin, a freelance editor and veteran teacher, will guide you through the art of establishing clear expectations, fostering flexibility, and embracing constructive feedback—in a style that resonates with you—with grace and professionalism.

You’ll also embark on the journey of creating your own Author (or Editor!) Manual—a personalized roadmap that will streamline your collaboration with editors (or authors!) and ensure a seamless editorial experience. By the end of our hour together, you’ll have a solid understanding of the framework, and be ready to tailor it to your unique needs and preferences.

* “Neurospicy” is a new term taking off among people who are neurodivergent—whether or not they have an official diagnosis. People who are neurodivergent have brains that work differently from the way other brains work. Their brain chemistry may be different and require medication or specific therapeutic practices. (60 min)

New Panel Addition

Screenwriting Tips for Dialogue: Moderator – TBA. Creative solutions will be discussed among screenwriters to improve the dialogue in any screen and script. (60 min)

To see all currently confirmed Panels and Workshops for 2024, please visit:

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