Imaginarium 2025 Gaming
Hosted by Bloat Games!

Bloat Games will be hosting open gaming and our gaming room during Imaginarium 2025, our 12th year!
They will have a large library of games on site that will be free to play. Just come on into the game room anytime during the convention weekend, if you want to take a break, and enjoy some card, board, and tabletop role-playing games!
Game Room Hours with Open Gaming & Events
Friday Noon-Midnight
Saturday 10 AM–Midnight
Sunday 10 AM – 5 PM
Copies of many popular games will be on hand, such as Scrabble, Dungeons & Dragons, List Off, Chess, Scattergories, 7 Wonders, Uno, Wingspan, Betrayal at Hill House, Dune, Azul, Evolution, Dead of Winter, Settlers of Catan, Parks, Ticket to Ride, Carcassonne, Roll Player, King of Tokyo, Zombies, Munchkin, Axis & Allies, Dark Places & Demogorgons, Trivial Pursuit, Quacks, Geek Out, Vigilante City, Space Race, Survive This: Zombies, Citadels, Are You a Werewolf?, Man Bites Dog, Huggermugger, Sequence, Checkers, and many more.
Magic the Gathering will be available to play all weekend. Bring your own deck or use one of our many decks.
Get ready for the best gaming environment that we have had yet!
Imaginarium 2025 Games Schedule
Demos/ Open Play All Weekend
The game room will have dozens of classic and new board games, card games, and role-playing games for free play all weekend. Come on into the game room and play a game, check out a demo, or just chill out.
Very soon, all scheduled games, demos, and tournaments will be listed on this page, so be sure to check back regularly.
All games are free to play for all Imaginarium attendees!
If you have any game room questions or if you want to run a specific game at Imaginarium 2025, please contact the room host, Josh Palmer (ppalmer3141@yahoo.com) for more information.