Anthony Taylor is the author of Classic Monsters, Modern Art – 20th Century Horror in 21st Century Illustration which examines the new wave of monster artists, as well as The Art of George Wilson, telling the astounding story of the comic book cover artist for Gold Key and Dell Comics. His books Aurora Plastic Models Catalogs Volume 1 & 2 chronicle the iconic company’s history and reprint their sales catalogs from 1960-1977. He also wrote Arctic Adventure!, an official Thunderbirds™ novel based on the iconic British television series by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson and The Future was FAB: The Art of Mike Trim, chronicling artist Mike Trim’s career designing models and special effects for Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, UFO, and illustrating the cover for Jeff Wayne’s musical War of the Worlds album.
Anthony was a regular contributor and editor for the British magazine Sci-Fi & Fantasy Models International, and columnist for Toy Shop Magazine for twelve years. His articles have appeared in Retro Fan, Illustrators Quarterly, SFX, Video WatcH*Dog, Fangoria, Screem, Horror Hound, Famous Monsters of Filmland, FilmFax, Amazing Figure Modeler, and many other magazines.
Anthony is a Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards Hall of Fame recipient and a Horror Writers Association member. His retro film on HD media review column Apes On Film appears at NerdalertNews.net and his website is online at GoAnthonyTaylor.com.