Imaginarium 2021 Proudly Welcomes Author, Editor, Publisher, and Game Designer Renmeleon as a Spotlighted Guest!
Imaginarium Proudly Welcomes Author, Editor, Publisher, and Game Designer Renmeleon as a Spotlilghted Guest in our Virtual Event! Under the name Renmeleon, illustrator, author, and designer Ana Maria Selvaggio has been a working creative for over 35 years. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Kraft Paper Muse (KPM), a print and digital magazine, and also teaches art and writing classes to K-12 kids online. We are thrilled to have Renmeleon joining us this year, and her extensive knowledge in many spheres of creativity will be a tremendous addition to our panel and workshop programming! Don’t miss our 8th year as a convention for creatives of allRead More →