Imaginarium 2020 proudly welcomes bestselling author, publisher, and editor James A. Hunter as a Spotlighted Guest! With his widely popular Yancy Lazarus Series, Rogue Dungeon, Bibliomancer, and the litRPG epic Viridian Gate Online, James is an exceptional writer who also possess a keen understanding of today’s book industry and the many challenges writers face. We are thrilled to have James with us this summer for the 7th year of the Imaginarium Convention and our attendees are going to love meeting and interacting with him! About James: James Hunter is a full-time ink slinger, a member of SFWA, and the bestselling author of the Yancy LazarusRead More →

Imaginarium 2020 is proud to welcome Bram Stoker Award-winning editor and author Michael Knost as a Spotlighted Guest! An exceptional writing instructor whose projects as an editor have included many of of the best authors in the world, Michael will be a wonderful part of our extensive panel and workshop programming. Always willing to share his insights and advice with unpublished writers and best-selling authors alike, Michael embodies the Imaginarium Convention spirit in helping creatives develop and advance on their paths. Attendees are going to love visiting with Michael this summer at Imaginarium 2020, and we are honored and thrilled to have him with us!Read More →

Imaginarium 2020 is proud to welcome award-winning editor, publisher, and author Jason Sizemore as a Spotlighted Guest! Delivering high quality in everything he does, Jason is a true maverick in independent publishing and has always been helpful and supportive of others on the creative writing path. We are very excited to have Jason joining us this summer for our 7th year, and attendees are going to enjoy meeting him and hearing his insights and advice in our programming. About Jason Sizemore: Raised in the Appalachian hills of southeast Kentucky, Jason Sizemore is a three-time Hugo Award-nominated editor, writer, and publisher who operates the genre pressRead More →

The first wave of Imaginarium 2017 guests and panelists is posted, with many, many more to come in the weeks and months ahead, so check back regularly!  Many favorites are returning along with many panelists making their first Imaginarium appearance!  All will be a part of the most extensive programming we’ve had yet, as the nation’s premier creative writing convention takes another great step forward in its 4th year. From networking, to learning, to having fun among creative individuals, Imaginarium will have more than ever to offer authors, editors, publishers, screenwriters, game designers, comic creators, filmmakers, musicians and other creative professionals!  Coming October 6-8 inRead More →

Imaginarium 2016 is very proud to welcome award-winning editor and author Michael Knost as a guest to  the event this coming October 7-9 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. Michael is well-known for his mentorship and guidance of writers and his workshops are always a highlight in the extensive programming at Imaginarium.  We are thrilled to have him back, as he truly represents what Imaginarium is all about. About Michael: Michael Knost is an author, editor, and columnist of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and supernatural thrillers. He has written in various genres and helmed several anthologies. His Writers Workshop of Horror (Woodland Press) wonRead More →

Imaginarium 2016 proudly welcomes Maurice Broaddus as an author guest for the event this coming October 7-9 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky.  A highly-acclaimed author and editor in speculative fiction, Maurice is an Imaginator alumnus with us and we are thrilled to be having him back with us.  Attendees are going to love meeting and interacting with Maurice and he is going to be an exceptional addition to this year’s panel and workshop programming. About Maurice: Maurice Broaddus’ fiction has been published in numerous venues, including Asimov’s Science Fiction, Lightspeed Magazine, Cemetery Dance, Apex Magazine, and Weird Tales Magazine. He co-edited Streets ofRead More →

Imaginarium 2016 is proud to welcome award-winning publisher, editor and writer Jason Sizemore as an Imaginator Guest this October 7-9 in Louisville, Kentucky at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The founder of Apex Book Company, Jason is one of the best in the business when it comes to the book publishing world and his participation in Imaginarium will be a fantastic opportunity for attendees to meet and learn from a true maverick and visionary in the industry. An exceptional writer and three-time Hugo Award-nominated editor, Jason’s range of talent and experience will be a wonderful addition to the 2016 event! About Jason Sizemore:  Raised in theRead More →