Imaginarium 2024 proudly welcomes award-winning author/filmmaker/screenwriter/actor Nathan Day and graphic designer/web designer/marketer Nate Hoffelder as Official Panelists! As Panelists, Nathan and Nate will be participating in our extensive panel and workshop programming during our 11th year this July 19-21 in Louisville, Kentucky! We invite you to explore their individual guest pages, which can be accessed by clicking on the graphic banner below!Read More →

Imaginarium 2024 proudly welcomes author and poet Molly McDonough as an Official Panelist! As a Panelist, Molly will be participating in our extensive panel and workshop programming during our 11th year this July 19-21 in Louisville, Kentucky! We invite you to explore her individual guest page, which can be accessed by clicking on the graphic banner below!Read More →

Imaginarium 2024 proudly welcomes author, publisher, and editor Thomas Gondolfi as an Official Panelist! As a Panelist, Thomas will be participating in our extensive panel and workshop programming during our 11th year this July 19-21 in Louisville, Kentucky! We invite you to explore his individual guest page, which can be accessed by clicking on the graphic banner below!Read More →

Imaginarium 2024 is proud to announce the addition of two new workshops and one new panel to our growing list of 2024 Panel and Workshop Programming! There will be over 130 panels and workshops hosted in our 11th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions! The titles, moderators, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows: New Workshop Additions So You Want to Get Published?: Presenter – Tony Acree. Hydra Publications publisher, Tony Acree, will guide you how to prepare your novel, submit it to a publisher and negotiate a contract when yourRead More →

Imaginarium 2024 is proud to announce the addition of two new workshops and four new panels to our growing list of 2024 Panel and Workshop Programming! There will be over 130 panels and workshops hosted in our 11th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions! The titles, moderators, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows: New Workshop Additions: How to Become a Podcast / Radio Guest: Presenter – John Pyka. How to get booked on podcasts and radio to promote your book(s) and the benefits to you and your brand. (60 min)Read More →

Imaginarium 2024 proudly welcomes author/screenwriter W.W. Mitchell and screenwriter Evan Cook as Official Panelists! As Panelists, they will be participating in our extensive panel and workshop programming during our 11th year this July 19-21 in Louisville, Kentucky! We invite you to explore their individual guest pages, which can be accessed by clicking on the graphic banner below!Read More →

Imaginarium 2024 is proud to announce the addition of two new workshops and six new panels to our growing list of 2024 Panel and Workshop Programming! There will be over 130 panels and workshops hosted in our 11th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions! The titles, moderators, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows: New Workshop Additions: Meet the Editor: Presenter – Liza Groen Trombi. Locus Magazine’s Editor-in-Chief and publisher Liza Groen Trombi will talk about editing, magazine publishing, and answer any questions that you may have. (90 min) Romance Sub-GenresRead More →

Imaginarium 2024 proudly welcomes Tom C. Hunley as an Official Panelist! As a Panelist, Tom will be participating in our extensive panel and workshop programming during our 11th year this July 19-21 in Louisville, Kentucky! An author, poet, and filmmaker, Tom is also a creative writing professor at Western Kentucky University! We invite you to explore his individual guest page, which can be accessed by clicking on the graphic banner below!Read More →

Imaginarium 2024 proudly welcomes Shane Devon and RockPaperFox as Official Panelists! As Panelists, Shane and RockPaperFox will be participating in our extensive panel and workshop programming during our 11th year this July 19-21 in Louisville, Kentucky! We invite you to explore their individual guest pages, which can be accessed by clicking on the graphic banners below!Read More →

Imaginarium 2024 proudly welcomes Banning K. Lary and Rob Jarosinski as Official Panelists! As Panelists, Banning and Rob will be participating in our extensive panel and workshop programming during our 11th year this July 19-21 in Louisville, Kentucky! We invite you to explore their individual guest pages, which can be accessed by clicking on the graphic banners below!Read More →