Imaginarium 2021 proudly welcomes DragonLance author Michael Williams as a Spotlighted Guest in both our in-person and virtual events! One of the first DragonLance novelists, Michael’s novels such as “Weasel’s Luck” and “Galen Beknighted” are loved by fantasy readers worldwide! Michael is also the author of the ambitious literary fiction City Quartet novels, four novels that intertwine, centered in the same city, where minor characters in one novel become central in another, and can be read in any order. A professor at the University of Louisville, Michael is a fantastic instructor and will be a great addition to our Imaginarium 2021 panel and workshop programming!Read More →

Imaginarium 2021 proudly welcomes Valerie Estelle Frankel as a Spotlighted Guest in our virtual event! An award-winning author, Valerie has won the Dream Realm Award, an Indie Excellence Award, and a USA Book News National Best Book Award. She is the author of over 80 books on pop culture with many titles focusing on women’s roles in fiction. She also teaches at Mission College and San Jose City College. Valerie is going to be an amazing addition to our panel and workshop programming at Imaginarium 2021, and we are excited to have her joining us this summer! Don’t miss our 8th year as a conventionRead More →

Imaginarium 2021 Proudly Welcomes award-winning publisher, filmmaker, and writer James Fox as a Spotlighted Guest in both our virtual and in-person events! The founder of award-winning Multimedia Studio Dawnrunner, a publishing house, film production company, and game developer based out of San Francisco, CA, James is an exceptional talent active in several creative spheres. With his wide array of knowledge about writing, publishing, game development and design, and film and television production, James is a phenomenal addition to the Imaginarium 2021 panel and workshop programming! Creatives in many areas will greatly benefit from his insights and advice! Don’t miss our 8th year as a conventionRead More →

Imaginarium 2021 proudly welcomes Author Level Up Host and author Michael La Ronn as a Spotlighted Guest in the virtual event! Michael La Ronn is the host of the popular YouTube channel Author Level Up, a show dedicated to the craft of writing and life as a writer in today’s market. He is also the author of over 45 books in several genres, including five books on writing! Michael is a fantastic writer and teacher, and we are extremely excited to have him participating in Imaginarium 2021! Attendees are going to love his insights and advice on writing and storytelling! Don’t miss our 8th yearRead More →

Imaginarium 2021 proudly welcomes author, editor, and publisher Lee Martindale as a Spotlighted Guest in our virtual event! A convention favorite, Lee has edited two anthologies of original genre fiction, in addition to having her own short fiction work appearing in numerous anthologies. Known also for her advocacy and activism work, Lee also received the 2019 Service to SFWA Award. With her wide range of expertise in writing, editing, and publishing, Lee is a tremendous addition to our panel and workshop programming. We are honored and excited to have her joining us this summer! Don’t miss our 8th year as a convention for creatives ofRead More →

Imaginarium 2021 Proudly Welcomes Bram Stoker Award-winning editor and author Michael Knost as a Spotlighted Guest for our in-person event! Michael is the editor of internationally acclaimed titles such as the Writers Workshop of Horror (featuring contributors such as Clive Barker and Joe R. Landsdale) and the Writers Workshop of Science Fiction and Fantasy (featuring contributors such as Neil Gaiman and Ursula K. Le Guin). His novel Return of the Mothman is currently being developed into a feature film! An exceptional instructor of creative writing, Michael is going to be a tremendous part of our programming! His workshops always have rave reviews, and we areRead More →

Imaginarium 2021 proudly welcomes game designer, publicist, and cyber security expert Eric Wile as a Spotlighted Guest! An accredited video game designer who won the Sony Achievement Award for his work on Everquest: Macintosh Edition, Eric has been involved with many other popular titles such as PlanetSide, Star Wars: Galaxies, and Vanguard Saga of Heroes. Eric is currently consulting with multiple indie Game studios and working on his own indie projects. We are thrilled to have Eric joining us this year, to share his insights in a range of creative areas such as level creation, design, characters builds, game mechanics, story boarding and much more!Read More →

Imaginarium Proudly Welcomes Author, Editor, Publisher, and Game Designer Renmeleon as a Spotlilghted Guest in our Virtual Event! Under the name Renmeleon, illustrator, author, and designer Ana Maria Selvaggio has been a working creative for over 35 years. She is the Editor-in-Chief of Kraft Paper Muse (KPM), a print and digital magazine, and also teaches art and writing classes to K-12 kids online. We are thrilled to have Renmeleon joining us this year, and her extensive knowledge in many spheres of creativity will be a tremendous addition to our panel and workshop programming! Don’t miss our 8th year as a convention for creatives of allRead More →

Imaginarium 2021 proudly welcomes publisher, editor, and award-winning author Debra Dixon as a Spotlighted Guest for our in-person event! Debra is the Acquiring Editor for Bell Bridge Books, and is also the author of GMC: Goal, Motivation, and Conflict, the bestselling, how-to bible for writers! With her extensive knowledge of the publishing world and the craft of writing, Debra is a phenomenal addition to Imaginarium 2021’s extensive panel and workshop programming, and we are excited and honored to have her joining us this year! Don’t miss our 8th year as a convention for creatives of all genres and their fans, now with both virtual andRead More →

Imaginarium 2021 proudly welcomes Submerge Universe Franchise Creator Demetrius Witherspoon as a Spotlighted Guest to our in-person event! A filmmaker, comic creator, game designer, screenwriter, and publisher, Demetrius is a multi-talented creative who has developed an entire science fiction franchise that includes feature films, comic books, games, an animated series, novels, and much more! We are thrilled to have Demetrius with us this year and attendees of Imaginarium 2021 will be able to get his insights and advice on all his spheres of activity during our extensive panel and workshop programming! Don’t miss our 8th year as a convention for creatives of all genres andRead More →