Imaginarium 2019 is proud to welcome New York Times and USA Today best selling author Teresa Reasor as a Spotlighted Guest! With her fantastic Seal Team Heartbreakers series loved by romance readers worldwide, Teresa writes in a number of genres including Military Romantic Suspense, Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy, Historical Romance, Contemporary Romance, and Children’s Books. Always willing to share her expertise in the craft and business of writing with attendees in our programming, Teresa is a wonderful guest and we are thrilled to have her with us! About Teresa Reasor: New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Teresa Reasor was born in Southeastern Kentucky,Read More →

Imaginarium 2019 is proud to welcome Bram Stoker Award-winning author Tim Waggoner as a Spotlighted Guest! With over 40 novels and 5 short story collections, Tim is also a tenured professor who teaches creative writing and composition! An Imaginarium favorite, Tim is a fantastic mentor who has helped countless writers of all genres develop their craft. Attendees will have a great opportunity to interact with Tim in our panel and workshop programming! We are honored and excited to have Tim back with us this year! About Tim Waggoner: Tim Waggoner has published over forty novels and five collections of short stories. He writes original darkRead More →

Imaginarium 2019 proudly welcomes Safiya Nawaar as a Spotlighted Guest! A highly-acclaimed performing artist and dance instructor, Safiya is the founder of Arabesque World Dance in Lexington Kentucky! Dancing has always had an important place in the world of storytelling, and attendees at Imaginarium 2019 will not only be able to see one of her amazing performances during the entertainment at our annual Awards Banquet, but will also have an opportunity to take her Belly Dance Fusion Workshop! We are thrilled to have Safiya with us this year! Safiya opened Arabesque World Dance in Downtown Lexington in January of 2013, in the hopes of sharingRead More →

Imaginarium 2019 is proud to welcome Tony Acree as toastmaster and a Spotlighted Guest! An Imaginarium Convention favorite, Tony is a bestselling author and the head of award-winning press Hydra Publications! Always a great contributor to Imaginarium’s extensive programming, Tony is also a major part of Imaginarium’s events as the official Toastmaster! About Tony Acree: Tony Acree is is both an award winning author and publisher. His small press publishing house, Hydra Publications, won the Jason Sizemore award for outstanding small press. His latest novel, Revenge, was winner of best thriller novel at Imaginarium, one of the region’s largest’s writers conferences. All four of hisRead More →

Imaginarium 2019 is proud to welcome internationally-renowned author Michael Williams as a spotlighted guest! One of the original DragonLance novelists, Michael’s recent works of mythic fiction are showcases of the high literary craft that he enthusiastically shares in panels and instructs in workshops. Imaginarium 2019 attendees can look forward to meeting Michael and having his help in developing their literary skills and honing their writing craft! About Michael: Over the past 25 years, Michael Williams has written a number of strange novels, from the early Weasel’s Luck and Galen Beknighted in the best-selling DRAGONLANCE series to the more recent lyrical and experimental ARCADY, singled outRead More →

Imaginarium 2019 is proud to welcome Brett Brooks as a spotlighted author and illustrator guest! Brett has worked for everyone from the Disney Design Group to the Hard Rock, Game Salute, The CW, M&M’s and Netflix! A creator of graphic novels, Brett is also a screenwriter who had a recent short film project acquired by Showtime. Multi-faceted in his expertise, Brett is going to be a wonderful part of Imaginarium Convention’s highly-acclaimed programming and we are excited to have him joining us this year! About Brett Brooks: Brett Brooks is an Atlanta-based author and illustrator. He is the creator of the graphic novels Dust BunnyRead More →