Eleni McKnight is a therapist by day and epic novel author by night. Residing in Middle Tennessee, Eleni began writing at the age of eight and never stopped.
She graduated from UT Knoxville with a degree in Theater, and went on to earn her Master’s in Marriage/Family Counseling Therapy. Her fascination in both theater and psychology propelled her to write HOME, a Young Adult Dystopian, paired with her low-key obsession with cults and women’s rights. She penned it in just 8 weeks – a cathartic reflection of her own life and the present Presidential election cycle in 2012.
Eleni is currently a therapist in the Middle Tennessee area specializing in trauma therapy, while writing more Young Adult novels, her first series, THE MAGI CHRONICLES. She enjoys needlework, costuming, and spending time with her demanding Feline overlord, Manny.