Here is a list of all previous award-winners in the Imaginarium Convention Independent Film Festival for the years 2014-2019
The winners for the Imaginarium 2019 Film Festival and their respective categories are listed below:
Best Feature Film: “My Soul To Keep”
Best Feature Film Runner-up: “One Must Fall”
Best Short Film: “Return To Dust”
Best Short Film Runner-up: “Little Dreamer”
Best Directing: “Angel”
Best Editing: “Once Bitten”
Best Cinematography: “My Soul To Keep”
Best Sound: “My Soul To Keep”
Best Character Development: “Re: Inc.”
Best Plot: “A Horse A Piece”
Best Screenplay: “Dante Falls”
Best Documentary: “Jumpin’ Johnny”
Best Documentary Runner-up: “Umbilicus Desidero”
Best Web Series: “The Devil’s A Lie”
Best Web Series Runner-up: “Recovery Unplugged: episode 3”
Best Music Video: “Midnight Mind”
Best Music Video Runner-up: “Kiss Me Malibu”
The winners for the Imaginarium 2018 Film Festival and their respective categories are listed below:
Best Feature Film: Bong of the Living Dead
Best Feature Film Runner-up: All About the Afterglow
Best Short Film: The Lightkeeper’s Story
Best Short Film Runner-up: Broken Contentment
Best Directing: Submerge: Echo 51
Best Editing: In a Flash
Best Cinematography: The Blurry World of Marcello Casagrande
Best Sound: Scott & Crowley; A Comic Book Adventure
Best Character Development: Baby Frankenstein
Best Plot: The Red Resurrection
Best Screenplay: Scott & Crowley; A Comic Book Adventure
Best Documentary: A Fanboys Tale
The winners for the Imaginarium 2017 Film Festival and their respective categories are listed below:
Best Editing: Occupants
Best Cinematography: The Ningyo
Best Sound: Prisoner of Perdition
Best Character Development: Auto Shop
Best Plot Development: Viridescent
Best Screenplay: Viridescent
Best Music Video: The River
Best Documentary: Boggy Creek Monster
Best Director: Viridescent
Best Short Film Runner Up: Ruination
Best Short Film: Viridescent
Best Feature Runner Up: Occupants
Best Feature: Beyond the Trek
The winners for the Imaginarium 2016 Film Festival and their respective categories are listed below:
Best Feature (Overall): Blood of the Tribades
Best Feature (Overall) Runner-Up: Pechorin
Best Feature (Non-Genre): Pechorin
Best Feature (Non-Genre) Runner-up: Game Changers
Best Feature (Genre): Legend of the Lich Lord
Best Feature (Genre) Runner-up: Dark Tapes
Best Short Film (Overall): Random
Best Short Film (0verall) Runner-up: Last Request
Best Short Film (Genre) Runner-up: Cassandra
Best Short Film (Genre): The Town Where Nobody Lives
Best Short Film (Non-Genre): Letters to Daniel: Awareness
Best Documentary: She Got Game
Best Documentary Runner-up: Who Did It? The Clue VCR Game
Best Music Video: Tell Me Why You Obsess Me
Best Music Video Runner-up: C.T.R.L.
Best Screenplay: Dark Tapes
Best Screenplay Runner-up: The Town Where Nobody Lives
Best Plot Development: Axiom
Best Plot Development Runner-up: Random
Best Character Development: Game Changers
Best Character Development Runner-up: Death After Pancakes
Best Director: True Design
Best Director Runner-up: Incumbent
The winners for the Imaginarium 2015 Film Festival and their respective categories are listed below:
Best Feature Overall: Paternity Leave
Best Feature Overall Runner-up: Rangers
Best Genre Feature: Rangers
Best Genre Feature Runner-up: Magnetic
Best Non-Genre Feature: Paternity Leave
Best Non-Genre Feature Runner-up: Redemption of Benjamin Black
Best Short Film Overall: Fast Zombies Suck
Best Short Film Overall Runner-up: Leah Not Leia
Best Short Film Genre: Fast Zombies Suck
Best Short Film Genre Runner-up: Tailypo
Best Short Film Non-Genre: Leah Not Leia
Best Short Film Non-Genre Runner-up: Forward Until Found
Best Documentary: #allweknowislame
Best Documentary Runner-up: Letters to Daniel: A One Woman Show
Best Direction: Magnetic
Best Direction Runner-up: Paternity Leave
Best Screenplay: Fast Zombies Suck
Best Screenplay Runner-up: Redemption of Benjamin Black
Best Plot Development: Rangers
Best Plot Development Runner-up: Magnetic
Best Character Development: Razor Days
Best Character Development Runner-up: Magnetic
Best Music Video: Glass Ceiling
Best Music Video Runner-up: Lord You’re Beautiful
The winners from the Imaginarium 2014 Film Festival and their respective categories are listed below:
Best Short Film (Non-Genre)
First Place: Guinea Pigs
Runner-up: America’s Got Superpowers
Best Short Film (Genre)
First Place: Paralyzed
Runner-up: The Living
Best Short Film Overall
First Place: Guinea Pigs
Runner-up: Paralyzed
Best Documentary
First Place: Science, Sex and the Ladies
Runner-up: Letters to Daniel
Best Character Development
First Place: Scenes from a Gay Marriage
Runner-up: Bunni
Best Plot Development
First Place: Paralyzed
Runner-up: Guinea Pigs
Best Screenplay
First Place: Guinea Pigs
Runner-up: Ten
Best Director
First Place: Science, Sex and the Ladies
Runner-up: Ten
Best Feature (Genre)
First Place: Bunni
Runner-up: Ten
Best Feature (Non-Genre)
First Place: More Scenes from a Gay Marriage
Runner-up: Scenes from A Gay Marriage
Best Feature Overall
First Place: More Scenes from A Gay Marriage
Runner-up: Bunni
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