Gregg Bridgeman hates bios, and though he understands their necessity, he just had to get that out of the way. He was born at a very young age. For most of his childhood, he was poor, unemployed, and ignorant. He didn’t even have a high school education. After accepting his pity diploma, he discovered he wasn’t suited to be a tailor. The muffler factory was exhausting. He couldn’t cut it as a barber and didn’t have the patience to be a doctor. He wasn’t a good fit at the shoe factory. He just didn’t put his soul into it. The paper company folded. Pool maintenance was too draining. He got fired from the canon factory. He just couldn’t see a future as a historian.
After matriculating at numerous institutions of higher learning—some of them even accredited—one gave him a bachelors so he would leave and stop eating all the hot-pockets. After serving with the strawberry berets—and having grown accustomed to thankless work—Gregg settled on a career field that was wide open because absolutely no one else wanted to do it. He became an editor.
He’s edited over 100 Christian novels written by lots of people; a few of them moderately famous. He’s been featured on websites and in magazines and taught at tons of conferences. You’ve read this type of bio before so you know the bit.