Bestselling author Jason Cordova was born in California with the desire to be a professional baseball player. That didn’t turn out the way he expected, so he turned his creative talents into writing in 2010. Jason is both a John W. Campbell Award and Dragon Award finalist (though not in the same year), and is the editor of the anthologies Chicks in Tank Tops, Dancing with Destruction (forthcoming), and Chaos and Consequences (forthcoming, all from Baen Books).

Along the way, he has had novels published in multiple languages around the world, been featured in over 40 anthologies, and has penned over two dozen novels across many genres, including YA, horror, science fiction, and urban fantasy. A huge history nerd, he is a Navy veteran, former teacher, and is currently an Associate Editor at Baen Books.

Jason resides in North Carolina with his muse and a plethora of animals.