Sean is an independent Producer, Actor, Show Host, Network owner, Tactical advisor/Armorer and Supplier along with being a contractor for distribution. Host and emcee of many shows to include, Ville TV Live, Cooking Kentucky, co-host of Fenders Den and Emcee for many drag shows, concerts, events, and local radio stations. With a steady list of over 50 productions that I helped produce and/or distribute, the hits keep on coming.
I am a firm believer that when you create teams, you are more successful than trying to manage it alone. Founder of Creative Motion Studio allowed me to build an environment where you can succeed with many talented people and artists in any facet of the entertainment scene. I alone was responsible for many talented people finding each other and working together. Many have gone on to a life of production full time. But I’m not bragging.,
Now moving forward with a brand new show called “Cooking Kentucky”, where I single handedly spend most of my time on the road eating at great establishments, and cooking cuisine from the area all while doing it out of vehicles and campers. To be featured on the Renegade Network and mass distribution throughout the Streaming networks.
New year, New show,, New Sean.