Sean Sorce (born on January 21st, 1993) is not only a self-published writer but is also a welder. He welds on the weekdays meanwhile writing part time whenever he gets a chance to. Besides writing and welding, Sean also enjoys spending time with his wife, family and friends.
He loves going out to the movies, musicals, karaoke bars, baseball games, beaches, or simply just staying at home by watching television (this includes anime), and playing video games. Other activities also consist of swimming, dancing, singing, reading, hiking, and jogging.
His role model, C.S. Lewis, (author of the Chronicles of Narnia) is whom he got inspired to write his own fantasy novel starting with “The Blacksmith’s Nephew”. The next year, he even made a first collection of short stories in order to expand his writing skills into making works other than his main genre (which will be fantasy). That first collection is called: “No Shortcomings, Just Short Stories”. Sean lives in Waukesha, Wisconsin.