Convention Note: Steve will be participating in Imaginarium 2025 via a remote connection, as he does not travel. The live sessions will take place exclusively for Imaginarium 2025 attendees on Friday, July 18th, and Sunday, July 19th during the Imaginarium 2025 weekend. The sessions will be moderated by our Toastmaster, two-time Bram Stoker Award-winning editor/author Michael Knost.
About Steve Alten
Steve Alten grew up in Philadelphia, earning his Bachelors degree in Physical Education at Penn State University, a Masters Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of Delaware, and a Doctorate of Education at Temple University. Struggling to support his family of five, he decided to pen a novel he had been thinking about for years. Working late nights and on weekends, he eventually finished MEG; A Novel of Deep Terror. Steve sold his ’71 Malibu convertible to pay for editing fees. On September (Friday) the 13th, 1996, Steve lost his general manager’s job at a wholesale meat plant. Four days later his agent had a two-book, seven figure deal with Bantam Doubleday. MEG would go on to become the book of the 1996 Frankfurt book fair, where it eventually sold to more than twenty countries. MEG hit every major best-seller list, including #19 on the New York Times list (#7 audio), and became a popular radio series in Japan.
Steve’s second release, The TRENCH (Meg sequel) was published by Kensington/Pinnacle in 1999 where it also hit best-seller status. His next novel, DOMAIN and its sequels, RESURRECTION & PHOBOS: MAYAN FEAR were published by St. Martin’s Press/Tor Books and were #1 best-sellers in Spain, Mexico, and Argentina and best-sellers in Germany, and Italy, with the rights selling to more than a dozen countries.
Steve says his best novel is GRIM REAPER: End of Days. The story, a modern-day Dante’s Inferno, takes place in New York when a man-made plague strikes Manhattan. In addition to his fictional thrillers, Steve penned a laugh-out-loud rom-com entitled DOG TRAINING THE AMERICAN MALE, written under the pen name L.A. Knight. A complete list of Steve’s novels is listed below.
Movies & TV
After being left at the altar twice (Hollywood Pics in 1998, New Line in 2007) Steve’s friend, producer Belle Avery optioned the dramatic rights to MEG in 2008. Ten years of hard work and tenacity later and The MEG opened on August 10, 2018 and quickly became the #1 move in the U.S. and the world. Belle’s company, Apelles Entertainment has also optioned The LOCH, Sharkman, and Goliath. The sequel to The MEG is now in pre-production.
Original screenplays:
Steve has written six original screenplays. His comedy, HARLEM SHUFFLE was a semi-finalist in the LA screenwriting contest, his comedy MINTZ MEATS was selected as a finalist at the Philadelphia film festival as was his psychological thriller, STRANGLEHOLD. Steve’s reality series, HOUSE OF BABEL won at Scriptapalooza. He has also created a TV Drama, PAPA JOHN, based on his years coaching basketball with Hall of Fame coach John Chaney.
Adopt-an-Author Teen Reading Program
Over the years, Steve has been inundated with email from teens who hated reading …until they read his novels. When he learned high school teachers were actually using his books in the classroom (MEG had been rated #1 book for reluctant readers) Steve launched Adopt-An-Author, a nationwide non-profit program designed to encourage students to read. Teachers who register for the program (it’s free) receive giant shark posters, free curriculum materials, student-author correspondence, an interactive website, and classroom conference calls/visits with the author. To date, over 10,000 teachers have registered, and the success rate in getting teens to read has been unprecedented. For more information click on www.AdoptAnAuthor.com.
Diagnosed with Parkinson’s at age 47
The stress of living paycheck to paycheck can be difficult, especially when coupled with two cancelled movie deals and the second book in his first pub deal with Bantam Doubleday. Add personal threats generated from 9-11 truths published in The SHELL GAME and you have a recipe for Parkinson’s Disease.
A Close Relationship with his Fans:
As an author, Steve has two goals. First, to continue to work hard to become a better storyteller and create exciting page turning thrillers. Second, to remain accessible to his readers. Steve reads and answers all emails, uses the names and descriptions of his loyal fans as characters in all his novels, and even hires readers as editors, depending on their particular expertise. The MEGheads are his most devoted fans and Steve has gone to the expense of printing several collector editions of his work just for them.