I am a professional special effects makeup & Body paint artist, set designer, prop designer, 3D designer, sculptor, master airbrush artist located in Louisville, Ky. I have been doing fx makeup and set design freenlance and haunted attractions since 2001. I am experienced with latex, foam latex, silicone, prosthetic application, sculpting 3D design, prothesis molding, prop design, I specialize in airbrush make-up application and art. I am great under pressure and enjoy a challenge. It’s been my life dream to be able to make a living doing make-up and body paint for film and television. And now I live the dream
My work has been featured in magazines, TV shows and conventions in Louisville as well as California, New York, and Florida I have competed in numerous body paint & fx makeup competitions with 311 wins, over 400+ published shoots, makeup director for 20+ films, and set designer & makeup artist on 40+ productions.
Awarded best make up in 48hr film in 2015 Awarded best makeup days of the dead makeup competition 2016, 2017 debuted my acting in a film pilot https://youtu.be/it4X6WVwt_4