Tobin writes ugly stories about terrible people doing horrible things. Sometimes he does this on his own, such as when he came up with the six-book—known as a hexalogy—horror series, The Aphotic, or when he dredged up all his shorter works into the aptly named two volume collection, Ugly Stories About Terrible People Doing Horrible Things.

Sometimes, he writes slightly less ugly stories about similarly terrible people doing horrible things that are a smidge less horrible, but he does this with his writing partner, Robert Edgar Walton.

When he’s not doing all this ugly writing, Tobin works part-time in a bookstore—which is both exactly as much fun as you might think, while paradoxically being nowhere near as much fun as you’d think. Before he retired, he taught creative writing at two area universities for almost two decades and was a Communications Specialist at a large corporation. He’s also been on two Writers’ Community boards and participated in five Muskoka Novel Marathons, raising several thousand dollars for Adult Literacy Programs.

Finally, Tobin’s hobbies include sarcasm and shaking his head in wonder at the world. He’s also a serial killer of plants. Luckily, his wife and two kids and the dog have all fared better than the animals.

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