William R.A. Rush was born and raised in Syracuse, NY and moved to Philadelphia in 2003 to attend law school. He has been a practicing attorney for eighteen years primarily as a trial attorney.

He began making movies in late 2022 after years as a passionate lover of film with a licensed Stephen King adaptation, “One for the Road”.

He uses lis legal training and experience in his approach to filmmaking. As a trial lawyer, he has always worked on cases where a single event or crime, followed by years of investigation, leads to sometimes a couple days or less to condense years of information into a single presentation to present his case.

This is how he approaches filmmaking: a massive and meticulous amount of preparation all leading to filming the project.

This also leads to his eye for realism and truth. Drawing as his experience as a father to three daughters, he incorporates his life and experiences into his films’ messaging and depth to create an immersive, realistic and often unflinching style and subject matter.